Video. Antony Blinken, back in Kiev: he plays guitar in a bar and eats pizza with kuleba in a restaurant

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Anthony Blinken performed in a bar in Kiev. Photo: Digi24 Video Capture

Visit to Kiev, etcDiploma EmployerAndThey are The Americans and the Ukrainian foreign minister went to a restaurant set up by a war veteran and ate pizza. Anthony Blinken was determined to try as many Ukrainian-specific dishes as possible on his next visits. Another great interest of the Secretary of State took a place in the program of the visit to Kiev – Blinken played the guitar in a bar, where he received applause.

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Anthony Blinken, US Secretary of State: So, Ukrainian ham and onion pizza. I think it’s weird. Oh yeah, I see some sausages here too.

Dmytro Kuleba, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine: I’m happy to report that I enjoyed a couple of Ukrainian pizzas. Actually, one of them too is called Ukrainian. On this occasion we had a fruitful conversation. I hope you enjoyed the pizza as you definitely have more experience Tasting inside them All the world

Anthony Blinken, US Secretary of State: The pizza here is delicious and I highly recommend it. Pizza Ukrainian, as you called it, was great, couldn’t have been better. I am so grateful that my friend took me on this culinary tour of Kiev and I hope it continues in the coming months and years. America is with you and most of the world is with you. They fight not only for Ukraine, but also for the free world. The free world is with you.

Author: Liviu Kojan

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