Video. Armed robbers broke into a Chanel store in Paris. Ran on motorcycles

According to Reuters, the robbery took place in broad daylight in the Place Ventom area of ​​central Paris. In the captured video footage, you can see a robber armed like an automatic weapon outside the Chanel store in Rue de la Paix. A few seconds later, the other three robbers – dressed in black and wearing helmets – grabbed several bags and hurried out of the store.

Channel officials said no one was injured as the company was working closely with police. The value of the stolen goods was not disclosed. Authorities said no information was available on who the thieves were.

As the iconic Place Ventom Store is being modernized, the shop where the theft took place has been temporarily reopened.

There have been a number of robberies at jewelry stores in Paris recently.

In September last year, Paris police caught three gunmen fleeing the scene. They have stolen jewelery worth 10 million euros from a Bulgarian store in Place Ventom.

Earlier in July, other thieves fled the Chaumet store near Champs-Elysees with jewelry worth nearly 2 million euros. The stolen items were later recovered and the suspects arrested.

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