Video Arnold Schwarzenegger, emotional call to his Russian fans: Putin started this war, why are you sacrificing your youth? Who says “Arnie” is his new hero?

California actor and former governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has recorded an emotional video message for his Russian fans and soldiers sent by the Kremlin in Ukraine, urging them to open their eyes to the Kremlin’s campaign.

Arnold SchwarzeneggerPhoto: Flickr

“I’m addressing you today because there are things hidden in the world for you, terrible things you need to know,” he said.

Before going into more detail, “Arnie” talked about his close relations with Russia from his youth, and in 1961, at the age of 14, had the opportunity to shake hands with his hero Yuri Petrovich Vloso. The first man to lift 200 kilograms over his head.

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s first West star to make a film in Russia, film “Read the heat”Since 1988, step DMZ. Since then, he has maintained a close relationship with Russia, which he admires, in which he took several pictures of himself.

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s message to the Russians

“The strength and heart of the Russian people have always inspired me. That is why I hope you will tell the truth about the war in Ukraine and what is happening there. No one wants to hear criticism of his government. I understand that. But as a long-time friend of the Russian people, I hope you will listen to me.” He said.

“I know your government told you this was a war to destroy Ukraine. It is not true. Ukraine is a Jewish presidential country. His father had 3 brothers killed by the Nazis. You see, Ukraine did not start this war; neither the nationalists nor the Nazis. The war was started by the Kremlin.” Continued.

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The actor described what is currently happening in Ukraine and talked about the bombing Children’s Hospital And Mariupol Maternity Hospital.

“This is a humanitarian crisis,” he said.

Arnie invited Putin to end the war and talk about his new heroes

Arnie spoke about the significant losses caused by the Russian Armed Forces. “The Russian government lied not only to its own citizens, but also to its soldiers,” he said.

“Why are you sacrificing your youth for your own ambitions?” Schwarzenegger asked the Kremlin’s decision-makers.

“I urge the Russian people and Russian soldiers to understand the propaganda and misinformation that they have suffered,” Arnie said before addressing Russian President Vladimir Putin directly: “You started this war and you can stop it.”

The former governor of California ended his message by thanking those who had the courage to take to the streets of Russia to fight the war.

“You are my new heroes,” he concluded.

Follow the latest developments LIVETEXT 22nd day of the war in Ukraine at HOTNEWS.RO.

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