VIDEO Freedom for Russia Legion releases video showing opposition flag flying over Moscow University

The Freedom Legion for Russia — a group that claimed responsibility for the apparent incursion into Russian territory in Belgorod — released a video late Monday showing a so-called Free Russia flag flying over Moscow State University. CNN.

Russian opposition flag over Putin’s MoscowPhoto: Video capture

Video of the incident, which the Legion did not directly claim responsibility for, shows several balloons raising a blue-and-white striped flag above the university’s main building.

“Thank you for supporting us and waiting for us!” The Freedom Legion for Russia said in a telegram caption. “‘This’ [Legiunea] To Russia! For freedom!”

Other videos released by the Freedom Legion for Russia show another anti-Russian flag being flown by blue and white balloons in various parts of Moscow.

The blue-and-white flag is used by many anti-Russian anti-Putin groups and became more widely used after the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Soldiers of the Russian Volunteer Corps (RDK) reported crossing the Russian-Ukrainian border for the third time. BBC Russia. Russian and Ukrainian channels are talking about a “Ukrainian tank” attack on the Ukrainian border. Regional officials initially said they were under an “information attack” and later took up the Russian channels’ story.

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