Video. Two parents broadcast live on TikTok how they tried to strangle their child. “There may be peace at last”

A child’s parents have been detained in Poland after the father tried to strangle the boy as his mother watched passively, saying this way it could be “peaceful”. It says the shocking footage was streamed live on TikTok Local newspaper.

Child protection officers notified Dąbrowa Górnicza police about disturbing scenes.

Attention, images with strong emotional impact!

The man shook his son and then tried to suffocate him under his own body weight. The child started screaming and asked his mother for help, but she did not respond.

“Finally there may be peace,” the woman is heard saying in the recording.

Finally the man saw his son unable to breathe and let him go. His frightened mother held him in her arms and helped him recover. After a while the boy started breathing again.

“He could have been one step away from tragedy. The parents broadcast the whole scene on TikTok. Someone recorded the footage and sent it to us. We immediately alerted the police in Dabrowa Kornyza,” said Karolina Krupa-Gawel from the Directorate of Child Protection in Poland.

The police announced on Friday evening that the child’s parents have been detained and investigations have begun. Both face up to 15 years in prison for acts of violence against children.

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