Vladimir Shirinovsky, a Russian nationalist, threatened to bathe the delegate. Moldova in bloodshed

Former Vice President of the State Duma Vladimir Shirinovsky, known for his extremist stance and aggressive rhetoric against Russia’s neighboring states, has died at the age of 77. Isvestia.

Vladimir ZhirinovskyPhoto: ITAR-TASS / Alamy / Profimedia Images

On Wednesday, April 6, the head of the State Duma under the Russian parliament, Vycheslav Volodin, announced:

“It has come to our notice that Vladimir Volpovich Shirinovsky died of a serious and chronic illness. We will cherish his memory,” he told a Moscow assembly.

Izvestia states that on February 2 he was admitted to the Girinovsky Hospital in the Central Medical College in Moscow, where he was diagnosed with COVID-19 and extensive lung damage.

Who is Vladimir Shirinovsky?

The Russian politician is the leader and founder of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia, which, despite its name, is known for its radical nationalist positions. Zhirinovsky was vice president of the State Duma from 2001 to 2011.

Known as a populist who promised that vodka would be free if elected president, Girinovsky was notable for his aggressive statements to Russia’s neighboring states and beyond during his tenure as vice president of the Duma.

He expressed his desire that not only would the former Soviet states in Russia’s “immediate neighborhood” be occupied, but that one day “Russian soldiers could soak their shoes in the waters of the Indian Ocean.” Shirinovsky is also known for his use of nuclear weapons against Russian enemies.

It has lost its influence over the past decade with the coordination of President Vladimir Putin’s United Russia party, but it continues to be a key figure in Russian politics.

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Shirinovsky threatened the representative. Moldova with “blood bath”

In December 2020, then Maya Sandu was elected presidentIn an interview with Russian television in the Republic of Moldova, Shrinovsky said that if Chisinau authorities try to withdraw Russian troops from Transnistria, the Russian team will not be withdrawn. But it can be doubled or tripled.

“Not only do we say, we must warn that we will not withdraw, but we will increase the Russian force of peacekeepers. If only one soldier is killed, you will bathe in blood, you will not be able to reach Chisinau airport, we will reach all of you,” he declared.

He said there were enough ammunition in Copasna warehouses for “the whole of World War III in Europe” and that it was impossible to disarm such quantities and that Europe would be shocked if an explosion occurred. Wave ..

Had spoken before Dissatisfaction with Kremlin policies Compared to transnistria.

“We did not give money to Transnistria, nor did they allow us to study. The young man is leaving for Romania. What cruelty is this?”

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