War in Ukraine Russia has put forward conditions for peace with Ukraine

The most important events of the last 24 hours are:

  • Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has announced that he will make peace with Ukraine
  • Russian General Andrei Simonov was assassinated in the Ukrainian city of Izium
  • The Odessa airport was attacked by missiles fired by Russian armed forces

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov gave a list of peace terms with Ukraine in an interview with a Chinese publication, but on the other hand, Ukrainian negotiator Mikhail Bodolyak explained that Lavrov was not even involved in the talks.

Lavrov explained that the lifting of sanctions on Russia was part of peace talks with Ukraine, which were denied by Bodoliyak.

“The agenda of the talks … includes, among other things, issues related to denationalization, recognition of new geopolitical realities, lifting of sanctions, and the status of the Russian language,” Lavrov said without elaborating.

“The issue of international sanctions against the Russian Federation has not been discussed during the talks between Russia and Ukraine,” he said.

In recent hours, the Russians have launched missile strikes on Odessa airport, and several other cities have come under attack.

In retaliation, the Ukrainian Armed Forces attacked a Russian command post in the city of Isiam (Ukraine), killing the 11th Russian General, Andrei Simonov, who had died in the war in Ukraine.

President Volodymyr Zhelensky also announced that the city of Mariupol had been turned into a concentration camp by the Russians.

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