What happened to a hooligan grandfather who went to fight the Russians: “I will do everything I can to save Ukraine”

A 61-year-old man who went to Ukraine to fight against Russia has been missing for months.

A grandfather and former micro-thug, the man left for Ukraine in March last year to fight against the Russian army.

After a month in Ukraine, the grandfather returned to Scotland and announced on social media that he was recovering from the coronavirus pandemic.

In April 2022, the former Hibernian FC hooligan appeared in a video wearing a bulletproof vest and holding a gun.

In July, the man said he had a good job and was “living the dream.” He said he could not disclose where he served because of “special forces”.

However, since August, Robert Grady has given no sign of life. His last post was when he changed his Facebook profile picture to the Ukrainian coat of arms placed in front of the Scottish flag.

“My name is Rob. I’m a 61-year-old grandfather from Scotland. I went to Ukraine to help the country fight the Russians. I’ll do everything I can to save Ukraine from Putin. Everyone, please help Ukraine,” said the grandfather. Daily Mail.

Grady made a name for himself as a microbist hooligan in the early 80s. He was a member of the Capital City Service (CCS) and received a football ban in 2014 for taking part in a brawl in the street after a cup final.

Last summer, a Georgian commander said around 3,000 British volunteers were fighting Russia in Ukraine. Commander’s ratings are unofficial.

British volunteers are said to be the second largest group of foreign fighters in Ukraine after the Americans.

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