A mysterious object appeared on the beach in Australia. Authorities raised the alarm and even the army intervened

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A mysterious and dangerous object has washed up on a beach in Western Australia Photo: Video capture abc.net.au

A mysterious and dangerous object has washed up on a beach in Western Australia. Locals spotted it over the weekend and alerted the police, who warned visitors to stay away from it.

The cylindrical object appears to be damaged. Several Australian agencies are trying to determine what it is and where it came from. The army is also involved. Officials believe it did not come from a commercial flight.

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The bottom of the cylinder is covered with crustaceans, suggesting that it floated in the sea for some time before reaching the shore. A theory put forward by experts quoted by Australian media is that it is part of a space rocket.

The massive metal object was found off the coast of Green Head, about 250 km from Perth. Police have asked people to maintain a safe distance as it is considered dangerous.

“We want to assure the community that we are actively engaged in a collaborative effort with various state and federal agencies to determine the origin and nature of the object.“, the police report said.

Residents reported that it was found to be about 2.5m wide and 3m long.

The material may have come from a fuel tank from a missile that crashed into the Indian Ocean in the past 12 months, aviation expert Jeffrey Thomas said.

The Australian Space Agency added that the large object may have fallen from an “alien spacecraft” and would be in contact with other international entities.

Despite some speculation that it was flight MH370, which disappeared without a trace off Australia’s west coast in 2014 with 239 people on board, Thomas said there was “no chance”. “It’s not part of a Boeing 777, the fact is it’s been nine-and-a-half years since MH370 went missing, so any piece would show a lot of wear and tear.”he said.

Publisher: DC

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