Brazil’s president backtracks on statements on Ukraine war Message sent with Iohannis video

Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva announced on Tuesday that his government condemned violations of Ukraine’s territorial integrity and supported a negotiated political solution to the war in the country.

“While my government condemns violations of Ukraine’s territorial integrity, we support a negotiated political solution to the conflict.

We talked about our concern about the effects of the war extending to the European continent. I reiterated my concern about the global consequences of the conflict, particularly on food, economic and energy security, particularly in the poorest parts of the planet.

We urgently need to sit down at the table and create a group of countries that will discuss with Russia,” Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva said at a working lunch with President Klaus Iohannis.

The Brazilian president’s statement comes after he previously hinted that Ukraine should give up Crimea.

“Zelensky doesn’t want everything either. The world needs peace. We need to find a solution,” declared President Lula, prompting waves of international criticism.

Ukraine immediately said it “does not trade with its territories,” while the White House said Brazil “echoes Russian and Chinese propaganda related to the war in Ukraine.”

Lula da Silva said there were 40,000 Romanians in Brazil

Luís Inacio Lula da Silva said that in addition to political and business ties, Brazil and Romania are united by important human ties, with more than 40,000 citizens of Romanian origin in Brazil contributing to the country’s development.

“With the real possibility of cooperation in scientific research and the real possibility of opening communication channels with Romania’s aeronautical sector, we can promote the exchange of defense products,” said the Brazilian president.

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He also appealed for action against climate change.

“Romania has the largest forests in Europe, which is why we have to fight against rapid climate change,” said Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.

He thanked President Klaus Iohannis for his visit to Brazil, the first of his Latin American tour.

The President of Brazil proposed a toast to the friendship between Brazil and Romania.

President Klaus Iohannis is on a tour of Latin America until April 26. He will meet with local officials in Rio de Janeiro on Wednesday, the second day of his official visit to the Federal Republic of Brazil for the first time at the state level in 23 years. After Brazil, the next legs of the South American tour undertaken by the head of state will be official visits to the Republic of Chile and the Republic of Argentina, the first in the last ten years and in the last 30 years respectively. .

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