Far-right identity group expels AfD – Politico

The Identity Group’s leadership has now voted to expel the AfD, two weeks before millions of people head to the polls to vote in the European elections.

“The Alternative for Germany party is moving from one provocation to another,” Le Pen said. He said On French television after the vote. She added that the party is “clearly under the control of extremist groups.”

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In recent months, French far-right leader Le Pen has repeatedly distanced herself from the Alternative for Germany (AfD), a party that has become increasingly extreme in recent years — a move that appears to be part of a larger effort to change her party’s image at home and abroad. And make it appear less extreme in the eyes of French voters.

The split largely began in January, after an investigation open AfD politicians participated in a secret meeting of right-wing extremists in which so-called “re-immigration” plans to deport foreigners and “non-integrated” citizens were discussed. After news of the meeting spread, Le Pen said she was “completely in disagreement” with the deportation plans.

But many of the scandals surrounding the AfD have revolved around Krah, the party’s leading candidate.

In April, German police arrested one of Krah’s parliamentary aides over allegations of spying for China. Shortly after, German prosecutors launched preliminary investigations into allegations that Krahe accepted payments from Russia and China “in exchange for his work as a member of the European Parliament.”

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