Germany prepares to deliver unprecedented military equipment to Ukraine – Der Spiegel

Germany has prepared a new batch of military equipment worth 2.7 billion euros for Ukraine, the largest since the Russian invasion, Der Spiegel reported on Saturday, Reuters reported. The information was later confirmed by Kiev and Berlin. Germany’s largest collection for Ukraine.

German armored mortarPhoto: Michael Kapler / AFP / Profimedia

11:20Berlin is serious about supporting Kiev in the wake of the Russian invasion and will continue to do so, Germany’s defense minister said on Saturday, Reuters reported.

“We all want an early end to this horrible and illegal war….Unfortunately, this is not expected yet. So Germany will provide all the help it can – as long as it takes,” Boris Pistorius said in a press release.

11:17 amGermany will provide Ukraine with a new 2.7 billion euro military aid package, including 30 Panther tanks, the Ukrainian president’s chief of staff said on Saturday, Reuters reported, confirming German media reports.

Andrii Yermak said Berlin will also provide four Iris-D air defense systems, 20 mortar armored personnel carriers, 200 reconnaissance drones, 100 armored vehicles and a large amount of ammunition.


The package includes four additional Iris-T anti-aircraft systems, including 20 Mortar infantry fighting vehicles, 30 Leopard 1 tanks, 15 Jeppard anti-aircraft tanks, 200 reconnaissance drones, ammunition, additional artillery munitions and more than 200 combat and logistical items. According to Reuters, the German publication writes.

According to Der Spiegel, the collection will be announced as a symbol of Berlin’s solidarity with Kiev, alongside the presentation of the Charlemagne Prize to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy in Aachen on Sunday.

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There has been speculation that the Ukrainian president may attend the event after German police announced increased security measures in the area throughout the day on Sunday.

Ukrainian Pravda There is no official confirmation, but there are reports that Zelenski will arrive in Italy on Saturday.

The German press had already announced that Zelensky would visit Germany for the first time since the start of the war at the invitation of Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier.

President Olaf Scholes was due to officially receive Zelensky the next day, but the Kiev leader reportedly canceled his trip due to the leaks.

In early May, Kiev said that the announcement of Zelensky’s visit to Germany was considered “irresponsible” by Ukrainian authorities, Reuters writes.

Berlin daily Tagesspiegel reported that Zelenski will be received by Scholz with military honors before traveling to Aachen in western Germany.

Since the start of the war, Volodymyr Zelensky has visited only a handful of states in recent months. He visited the United States, France, Poland, England, and Finland, and his visits were announced after his arrival in their respective countries due to increased security risks.

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