Good news for Romanians going to the seaside in Bulgaria or Greece: petrol in the EU is cheaper than in the neighboring country

Bulgaria has the lowest gas prices in the EU Weekly Oil BulletinAnd diesel is not far from the minimum in the 27 member states.

A liter of petrol in Bulgaria sells for the equivalent of 1.29 euros per litre, the cheapest in the EU. Malta is next at €1.34 per liter and Romania at €1.35 per litre.

Diesel costs 1.24 euros per liter in Bulgaria and 1.21 euros per liter in Malta – the lowest diesel prices in the EU. Romania is in third place in terms of price, with diesel at 1.35 euros per liter.

Favorable prices for Romanian tourists

Low fuel prices in the neighboring country are a disadvantage for Romanians who choose summer holiday destinations such as Greece or Bulgaria.

Therefore, fueling vehicles in Bulgaria is very cost-effective for tourists, especially Romanians traveling to Greece, which has high fuel prices.

The average price of petrol in Greece is 1.88 euros per litre, 60 eurocents from the price in Bulgaria or 53 eurocents from the price in Romania.

At the same time, a liter of diesel in Greece is sold for approximately 1.6 euros, 36 eurocents more than in Greece and 25 eurocents more than in Romania.

Countries with the highest petrol and diesel prices in the EU

The most expensive petrol in the EU is sold in the Netherlands, at almost 2 euros (€1.98) per litre. The following positions are Denmark (1.92 euros), Greece (1.88 euros), Italy and Germany (1.85 euros) and France (1.83 euros).

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The most expensive diesel is in Sweden, where the price is 1.94 euros per liter. Finland (1.77 euros), Belgium (1.71 euros), Italy (1.70 euros) and France (1.69 euros) are next.

Publisher: V.M

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