Good news going to England for vaccinated Romans. Get rid of the temptations

Good news going to England for vaccinated Romans. Get Rid Of Tests / Photo: Pixabay

Vaccinated Romans no longer need PCR tests to go to the UK.

Good news for the Romans who vaccinated the Govt. The British government announced on Monday that it was raising the need for COVID-19 testing for full immunization travelers to the UK, Agerpres was quoted as saying by the French Press.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson said that what we are doing to travelers is to show that this country is open to business and open to travelers, confirming this change, meaning that incoming people do not have to be tested (…) twice vaccinated.

Until now, fully vaccinated travelers must register in advance for a test (antigen or PCR) for Covit-19, which should be done upon arrival. Those who have not been fully vaccinated should have one test before departure, followed by two PCR tests and isolation for 10 days upon arrival.

When will the new measure take effect

The Conservative leader did not say when the new measure would be implemented, but said it could come into effect ahead of the February school holidays, which is good news for the Department of Tourism and International Transport.

In a letter, leaders of major airlines such as British Airways, EasyJet and Ryanair called on the government to end restrictions on “minimum” international travel for fully vaccinated passengers.

One of the saddest countries in Europe by the corona virus, with nearly 154,000 deaths, the UK is now plagued by a wave of lawsuits that have led to a declining Omicron variant.

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The UK has already dropped a number of restrictions

Based on this progress, Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced last week that the last remaining restrictions in the UK would be lifted. As of Thursday, masks are no longer legally required, but are recommended for closed and congested areas, and have already been dropped off in schools. Health card is no longer required to access nightclubs and large gatherings.

In the United Kingdom, each country determines its own health policy. In Scotland, most restrictions were lifted on Monday, allowing nightclubs to reopen and removing three families from indoor gatherings.

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