The attacker who killed a young woman at the University of Heidelberg was a German 18-year-old who had bought weapons from abroad.

An 18-year-old German, local police commander has been charged in connection with an armed attack that killed a young woman and three others in a lecture hall at the University of Heidelberg in Germany on Monday.

Siegfried Golmer added that “the weapons the attacker had with him were purchased from abroad”, while the prosecutor’s office said the motives for the attack must be determined.

A young woman was killed and three others were injured in an attack Monday at the University of Heidelberg in southwestern Germany, when a man burst into a classroom, opened fire, left her and committed suicide. EFE and DPA.

The attacker, a student at the company, fled after the attack carrying a bag with several weapons. Police spokesman Stephen Wilhelm said he died shortly afterwards in the campus botanical garden.

Founded in 1386, the University of Heidelberg is one of the oldest universities in Germany and one of the oldest in Europe. It has several complexes in the beautiful city of Heidelberg, with a population of about 160,000 located on the Necker River.

Author: A.A.

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