Joe Biden and Boris Johnson talked on the phone for 40 minutes about the crisis in Ukraine

US President Joe Biden and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson spoke by phone on Monday and decided that not all hope for a diplomatic solution to the Ukrainian crisis had been lost, although they warned that the situation was weak. BBC.

After their 40-minute phone conversation, Joe Biden and Boris Johnson believe that a diplomatic deal is still possible, despite numerous warnings of immediate Russian military action. According to a Downing Street report, the two leaders said it was an “important” opportunity for diplomacy.

“Prime Minister and President Biden briefed each other on recent talks with other world leaders,” the statement said. “The leaders stressed that this would be an important window into diplomacy and that Russia would back down from its attempts to threaten Ukraine.

Boris Johnson is scheduled to convene a meeting of the Security Council (COBRA) on Tuesday to discuss the UK’s response to the crisis.

Boris Johnson, who said on Monday that the Russian invasion of Ukraine was “possible in the next 48 hours”, plans to return to Europe this weekend to hold talks with leaders in the Nordic and Baltic countries. Two weeks ago, the head of the British government flew to Kiev to express his support for Ukraine, for which London recently delivered, for the first time, anti-lethal weapons and anti-tank missiles.

What is happening on the Eastern Diplomatic Front

Russia has always denied plans to invade Ukraine, but has brought 100,000 troops to the border. At the same time, several states urged their citizens to leave Ukraine, and the United States on Monday relocated embassy services near the Polish border from Kiev to Elvov, west of the country, saying airstrikes could begin “at any time”.

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On Monday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said the diplomacy was “not over,” and Russian Defense Minister Vladimir Putin said some of Russia’s military exercises near the Ukrainian border had already been completed, while others were nearing completion. .

Asked if there was a possibility of an agreement with the West, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said: “The possibility is far from certain.

Sergei Lavrov’s comments during a meeting with President Vladimir Putin, who sent the Kremlin’s pictures, were seen as a clear signal that talks could further ease tensions and make concessions.

On the other hand, if the two sides do not compromise on the potential issue of Ukraine joining NATO, analysts say there will still be a stalemate, the BBC comments.

The Kremlin says it is unacceptable that Ukraine, a former Soviet republic with deep social and cultural ties to Russia, would one day join NATO.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholes arrived in Kiev on Monday to discuss the crisis, following other Western leaders who came here to show solidarity with Ukraine. Scholz said Russia’s military presence on Ukraine’s borders was “unjustified” and that Western nations would impose “very broad and effective sanctions” on an invasion of Russia.

On Monday, the United States announced that it had sent eight F-15 fighter jets to Poland to participate in NATO air policing, just days before Washington decided to send another 3,000 troops to Poland. Region.

Author: Luana Pavaluca

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