The Anne Frank case was settled 77 years later with the help of a former FBI agent. It was discovered who had betrayed the young woman who had died in Auschwitz

Anne Frank died in 1945 in Auschwitz after hiding from the Nazis for two years at the age of 15.

His diary, published posthumously, was a well-known first-hand account of Jewish life during World War II.

The panel investigating the case, including a former U.S. federal police officer, made the decision Arnold van den Berg, A member of the Jewish community in Amsterdam who “probably” handed over the Frank family to the Nazis in order to save his own family.

Six years of investigation

A team of historians and other experts investigated the historical case for six years using modern techniques.

Among them, computer algorithms for establishing connections between multiple individuals.

The BBC notes that this is a process that would have lasted thousands of hours without technical means.

Van den Berg was a member of the Jewish Council of Amsterdam, which was forced to impose Nazi policies on Jewish areas.

The council was dissolved in 1943 and its members were sent to concentration camps.

However, investigators found that Van Denberg was not sent to the concentration camp, but lived in Amsterdam as usual at the time.

Investigators find it difficult to accept the handing over of Anne Frank, a Jew, to the Nazis

There was also a reference to a member of the Jewish Council providing information to the Nazis.

“When he lost all the security that exempted him from going to the Van Den Berg camp, he and his wife had to give the Nazis something valuable that he was in contact with to be safe at that time,” former FBI agent Vince Bangkok told CBS for 60 minutes.

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Team members say it is hard to believe that another Jew was probably a traitor.

But investigators have found evidence that Anne Frank’s father, Otto Frank, may have known the truth and decided to keep it a secret.

A copy of the anonymous note sent to Otto Frank, in which he was identified as the traitor Arnold van den Berg, was found in the files of the former investigator.

The information was leaked in the past, but did not reach the public

The former FBI agent believes that Ann Frank’s father did so in order not to provoke anti-Semitic sentiments if he chose not to divulge the information.

“Maybe he thought it would shake the water even more if he brought it back,” he said.

“But we have to remember that (von den Berg) was a Jew, the Nazis put him in an impossible position and he had to do something to save his life,” Vince Bangkok said.

The Dutch Volkssrand reports that Arnold van den Berg died in 1950.

Ronald Leopold, managing director of the Anne Frank Museum, said the new investigation “developed a fascinating hypothesis worthy of important new information and further research.”

The museum said it was not directly involved in the investigation, but made the archives and exhibits available to the research team.

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