Large-scale cyber attack in Ukraine. The Ministry of Defense and two banks have been targeted

Cyber ​​attack on major Ukrainian companies AndAnd twoComplex Bed Ukraine occurred on Friday. Unidentified hackers attacked the computer network of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense and the computer systems of some Ukrainian banks. BBC News writes. This is not the first such incident.

Russia’s TASS news agency quoted Reuters as saying Tuesday that Ukraine’s cybersecurity center was targeted by cyber attacks on Defense Ministry sites and banks Privatbank and Oshadbank.

Ukraine’s cybersecurity center, according to the TASS, says Russia may have been responsible for the attack.

Meanwhile, Osatbank has confirmed that it is being targeted by a cyber attack.

A news site on the website of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine reports that it is under maintenance.

“It is not excluded that the invader used bad tricks and small tricks because his aggressive plans did not work on a large scale,” the center said in a statement.

Reuters quoted Western security sources on Monday as saying that Russia’s infiltration into Ukraine could be preceded by an information war and cyber attacks on Ukraine’s critical infrastructure, such as electricity and gas networks.

Kiev has blamed similar attacks on Moscow in the past since Russia began recruiting 100,000 troops near its border.

On January 14, hackers hacked several government websites, including the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and published their news in three languages, Ukrainian, Russian and Polish. Government experts later said the attack on the hackers was carried out in Russia.

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Christina Cilicu, Journalist DG24: Ukrainian officials say a cyber-attack is underway and is believed to have come from Russia. In fact, as Russia moves one step closer to Ukraine, cyber-attacks are one of the first things experts have done. Behold, this cybernetics has more or less happened during this period.

The Ukrainians have long been the target of cyber attacks by the Russians. Now let’s see how big the cyber attack is. Vladimir Putin is another step taken by Vladimir Putin to show how different the methods of hurting Ukraine are and how difficult it is to negotiate with him, because he always comes up with a different way of attacking the opponent.

His direct enemy is not Ukraine, it is NATO and the United States, and what he is doing, we saw some steps today, we see this cyber attack so that he can negotiate better in the long run.

I saw the statement of the German Chancellor Olaf Scholes, in which he made it very clear that Russia did not want an attack on Ukraine and that Russia did not want a war in Europe.

We can now assume that they are Russians, and cyber security experts will reveal who is behind this attack because it could be discovered, and we need to look back at the actions taken by Vladimir Putin. Big talks, and he wants NATO not to come close to its sphere of influence for too long, including Ukraine.

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Author: Liviu Kojan

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