Lukashenko: “It was painful to see the events in the south of Russia. If Russia se Pr

“I will not hide it, it was painful to see the events in the south of Russia. Not only for me. Many of our citizens took them to heart. Because the motherland is one!” said Alexander Lukashenko.

“My position is this: if Russia collapses, we will be under the rubble and we will all die,” Alexander Lukashenko was quoted as saying by the Russian Institute. Interfax.

The Belarusian president said he had ordered the army to prepare for war during “events in Russia”.

“At lunch time, all armed forces, including the police and special forces, were put on alert. No one rejects (no – this order), no family, no wives, no children, no relatives. No one!” said Alexander Lukashenko.

Yevgeny Prigozhin, head of the Wagner mercenary group, put an end to the military rebellion he had sparked on Saturday evening, which some analysts described as the biggest challenge to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s authority.

Prigozhin last left Rostov-on-Don in a black SUV on Saturday evening, after the Kremlin said Lukashenko had struck a deal in which Prigozhin agreed to travel to Belarus and end his rebellion.

A Russian-registered Embraer Legacy 600 jet, possibly carrying Yevgeny Prigozhin, flew from Russia to Belarus on Tuesday. The Guardian reported that there was no official statement about the people on board.

Photo: Hepta

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