Minecraft Steve has long been banned from Smash Bros.

picture: Nintendo

steve who Maine Craft has been added to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate in October of 2020. In the years since, the feeling has been around the character It got worse and worse Due to accusations that the character is broken and strong. Now, a recent discovery of a competitively useful bug has brought those conversations back into the spotlight. Now, it looks like tracts of Smash Bros. The competitive landscape completely precludes the character from tournaments.

Steve was controversial from the start, with players raising issues with his combo potential and wide range of ranged attacks. It makes him a frustrating character to fight, not many characters in it Super Smash Bros. UltimateThe squad’s expanded roster is a tough match for him. Because of this, calls for the character to be banned have continued since its release. It appears that some of these people have now got their wish after discovering a new glitch that pushes the character from overly forceful to oppressive.

What is Steve’s problem? Smash Bros.?

In layman’s terms, Steve has a glitch related to his bounce animation that allows him to recover at a faster rate than other characters in the game, meaning he can break combos that must work with other characters and strike back before his opponent can act. This is not an intended part of the character’s kit, but rather an unfortunate technical workaround that has worked in the players’ favor. despite this, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate He is You no longer receive balance updates from Nintendoso competing regulators are left with two choices: ban strategy or ban personality?

The logistics of blocking the strategy are complex. If you choose to allow players to continue using Steve in competitive tournaments but not intentionally allow players to use this technique, coordinating matches in which the character is used becomes a massive time commitment. It requires the players to save the re-exchange and for the organizer to view and verify that Steve’s player is breaking the rules, and then eventually make a call on the legality of the play. While these types of calls can be made most easily during in-person tournaments (although the organizer’s pull always interrupts something else in the event), doing them in an online environment gets a lot more complicated. These replays have to be loaded or steamed in ways that take much longer than having the organizer go to the respective players when setting up the game. For this reason, some tournament organizers have advocated banning Steve altogether, rather than devoting valuable time and resources to micromanaging a specific character.


Juan Manuel Dibidma, very prolific Super Smash Bros. The gamer who has won tournaments like EVO throughout his career and online tournament organizer The Coinbox known for its Hungrybox handle, released a video about the situation on his YouTube channel. In the video, DeBiedma goes through several tournament organizers across the United States to announce their decision to ban Steve from their events. In the end, after some consideration, he took the same approach, saying that Steve would not be allowed into The Coinbox “until further notice.”

How widespread is Steve’s ban?

Barnard’s Loop, a data organizer for Smashing Society, collecting data on the current attitude most countries have towards Steve. At the moment, there doesn’t seem to be much consensus yet on how difficult it will be for regulators to handle the character. However, many place at least some restrictions on the players who use it, such as allowing it in local tournaments but not in state tournaments. In its video though, Hungrybox points out that Coinbox imposing the ban could be seen as a scheme for others to follow, and that time will tell how far that ban goes.

Total, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate It is not beholden to standard rules, in particular without Nintendo’s direct involvement in the competitive landscape, so tournament organizers are free to do whatever they want. But Steve’s current situation does point to a fundamental problem with game balance that arises when the developer finally moves on from his support. Super Smash Bros. UltimateThe last update was released in December of 2021, and since then, the community has had to grapple with the state of the game as it sorts out its competitive rules. As of now, Steve is being banned by some leagues, and he will be at least a controversial pick in others.

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