Murder: Shot dead near the house of a Russian collaborator in Kherson

Vitaly Guru, one of the collaborators of the Russians in the Kherson region, died of severe wounds. He was shotBy Ukrainian partisans near the house.

Vitaly GuruPhoto: Twitter

“Vitaly Guru, the deputy head of the administration in Novaya Kahovka, responsible for communal services, died of his injuries,” local official Katerina Kubareva said in a telegram on Saturday evening.

Ukrainian partisans tried to assassinate one of the collaborators of the Russians in the Kherson region, Nexta reported, citing Russian press.

Russian media reported that a collaborator named Vitaly Guru was shot dead near his home on Saturday. The man was hospitalized in critical condition.

At the beginning of the war started by Vladimir Putin, Guru began to cooperate with the occupying authorities.

According to the Kyiv Independent, Ukrainian authorities have detained 8 alleged collaborators in the Donetsk region.

According to investigators, the detainees are suspected of leaking information about the location of Ukrainian soldiers and the movements of military equipment and vehicles to the occupying Russian forces.

Ukraine’s intelligence services arrested two collaborators in the Nikolaev region. The SBU suspects they leaked information to Russian forces that led to the destruction of shipbuilding infrastructure at the port of Nikolaev.

Disclosure of such information during martial law is punishable by up to 12 years in prison.

See also  Diplomatic opposition to Russia, Great Britain. British Defense Minister Says Putin Has "Little Human Complex".

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