New York has entered a high alert state following the new wave of Govt-19

New York City Mayor Eric Adams raised the COVID-19-related warning level “high” on Tuesday as more people were hospitalized due to the new wave of COVID-19, Agerpres said, dpa.

The alert level is changing as the number of hospital admissions due to the corona virus continues to rise over the past two months and more and more New Yorkers are being positively tested.

“New York City is on high alert, which means it’s time to protect ourselves and others from making choices that could make our friends, neighbors, relatives and co-workers sick,” he said. City Health Commissioner Dr. Aswin Wasan said in a statement.

“As a city, we have the tools to mitigate the impact of this wave, including testing, distributing masks and promoting treatments. Said Dr. Ashwin Vasan.

The increase in alert levels comes a day after Mayor Eric Adams announced that he would distribute 16.5 million COVID-19 trials and one million high-quality masks to the public, after Wasson advised people to wear masks in all indoor public places.

New York City was at the beginning of epidemics in the world centers of COVID-19 and has so far recorded more than 40,000 deaths from the disease.

Photo source: Pexels

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