Parliamentary elections in Italy. Right-wing coalition victory! Georgia Maloney may become Prime Minister! Lower turnout than 2018

The right-wing coalition is expected to win 41-45% of the vote, according to the RAI exit poll.

The largest party in the coalition is the Brothers of Italy led by Giorgia Meloni, which will probably get 22-26%.

The center-left coalition led by the Democratic Party and the Five Star Movement trailed by 25.5-29.5% and 13.5-17.5%.

A center-right liberal coalition is expected to get 6.5-8.5%.

Update from 23:00 Results will appear at midnight in Romania

The first indication of who will win will come with the exit poll on Sunday at 23:00 (00:00 Romanian time). On Monday, when the official results are announced, the ball will be in the court of President Sergio Mattarella, who, depending on the outcome of the elections and the composition of the new parliament, will have to appoint someone. New Prime Minister.

Only 64.67% of voters were reported to vote in this election, a dramatically low turnout in a country with high political participation.

Update 20:00 Lower voter turnout than 2018

As of 7:00 pm, voter turnout was 51.16%, 7.24 percentage points lower than in 2018.

Update 17:00 – Parliament, after the elections, will be in a reduced form: 200 seats in the Senate and 400 seats in the House of Representatives

After the September elections, the number of representatives drops from 630 to 400 and the number of elected senators from 315 to 200.

Also, the constitutional reform initiated in 2020 is coming into force.

Update 15:00- In Sicily, turnout has increased to 14.77%

In the 1976 elections, a record 93.39% voter turnout was achieved. In 2018, 73% participated.

Historically and traditionally speaking, the north of Italy tends to vote more than the south.

Update 13:00 – Silvio Berlusconi has voted in Milan

Silvio Berlusconi, leader of Forza Italia, cast his vote at a polling station via Fratelli Ruffini in Milan.

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In Venice, 22.37% voted by 12 p.m

In Venice, 41,886 out of 187,202 eligible voters, or 22.37%, went to the polls this morning.

Giuseppe Conte voted in Rome

Five Star Movement leader Giuseppe Conte casts his vote at a precinct set up in Virgilio in the center of Rome.

Elections and Covid

Those affected by the coronavirus should apply to vote from home by September 20.

Those who discovered the infection between September 21 and today have a problem.

Update 11:00 – Selected in poll

Salvini voted in Milan

Matteo Salvini, the League’s federal secretary, casts his vote at a polling station via Pietro Martinetti in Milan.

Renzi voted in Florence

Matteo Renzi, president of the Italia Viva party, cast his vote this morning in Florence at the Villani school in Viale Gianotti, Cavinana. Renzi was joined by his wife, Agnes Landini, who voted. Renzi and his wife were accompanied by Senator Francesco Bonifazzi. Matteo Renzi is now on his way to Tokyo to attend the funeral of Japanese politician Shinzo Abe.

Leta voted in Rome

Enrico Letta, Secretary of the Democratic Party, has voted in Rome, via Galvani in Testaccio, in the professional technical company Edmondo de Amicis. When Leta arrived, she shook hands with voters who greeted her as she entered

President Mattarella voted in Palermo.

The President cast his vote in the Sicilian capital this morning.

Update 09:00 – Germany looks at Italy’s vote while thinking about Europe

In the palaces of power in Berlin, all events related to the Italian vote are carefully analyzed. They expect the possibility of a far-right victory in the elections and the possible ascension of Giorgia Meloni Palazzo Chigi to the seat currently occupied by Mario Draghi, which could disrupt the balance of power.

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Update 07:00 – Polling stations open from 7 am

The campaign is over. Today. Election silence will be observed till the close of polling at 11 pm on Sunday.

But the Lega and FdI interrupted to comment on the Democratic Party’s demonstration in Rome’s Piazza del Popolo.

A few hours later, Silvio Berlusconi, head of Forza Italia, takes to social networks and reiterates that “the only weapon to change things is the ballot, you only vote X in Forza Italia.”

Italy has 46,127,514 electors who today are called to vote to elect members of the House of Representatives and the Senate of the Republic. Voters are given two ballots: one for the Chamber and one for the Senate. Polling stations will be open from 7 am to 11 pm.

A vote is expressed by drawing a mark on the space containing the mark of the selected list, and it is expressed for the list and the only candidate attached to it.

For the election of the Senate of the Republic, there are 74 unitary constituencies in the national territory (including the Valle d’Asta constituency), which are allocated 74 majority seats.

After the polls are closed, the number of electors for each council is first established and immediately, the votes cast for the Senate candidates are carefully counted. Next, votes are counted for elected officials seeking to reach the House of Representatives.

The total number of voters invited to vote was 50,869,304, of which 4,741,790 were abroad. Of the 46,127,514 voters in Italy, 51.74% are women and the remaining 48.26% are men.

Lombardy is the most electorate region with 7,505,133 voters, while Valle d’Aosta is the least electorate with a total of 98,187 voters. Roy news.

Ursula warned Italy. Nationalists are furious

During a conference at Princeton University, an aide pointed out to van der Leyen that among the candidates for Italy’s upcoming legislative elections were “closers to Putin.”

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“Let’s see”, she replied. “If things go in a difficult direction – we talked about Hungary and Poland – we have the tools.”

This is a clear reference to the ability of the European Commission to reduce the funds allocated to member states when they are deemed to be in breach of the rule of law.

Last week, the Commission proposed to cut 7.5 billion euros from the funds allocated to Hungary. Politics.

Van der Leyen’s comment angered many candidates.

“What threat is this?”, asked Salvini, the nationalist candidate. “This is shameful arrogance.”, the head of Italy’s far-right League party tweeted. he asked van der Leyen “Respect the free, democratic and sovereign vote of the Italian people”.

He said on Italian television If, because the League won the election, someone from Brussels wants to cut the funds belonging to Italy, we need to rethink this Europe.Add that “This is institutional harassment”.

Italian politicians have called on European Commission President Ursula van der Leyen to stay out of domestic politics after she warned that Europe has the “tools” to deal with Italy if things go in a “hard direction”.

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