Pictures of Ukrainian citizens throwing Molotov cocktails on a Russian armored car

Images of Ukrainian citizens throwing flaming bottles at Russian cars and armor have begun to appear on social media. In such a clip you can see the public throwing a group At least two Molotov cocktails from the car in the Russian armored car with the symbol “Z”, which is believed to be used to mark or identify certain Russian units in Ukraine. Images and videos centered on Russian technology destroyed or captured during the war in Ukraine were posted on a Twitter account.

The Russian Molotov cocktail-burning armor appears to be a specialized vehicle for electronic warfare and communications interference used by the Russian military.

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The exact location and date of the shooting are unknown, and no one was killed or injured in the attack.

The video, released on February 28, was posted on the Twitter account “Ukraine Arms Surveillance” created by two independent organizations, which mainly features pictures and photos of Russian military equipment destroyed or captured by Ukrainian forces. Images of the destroyed Ukrainian technology are also published on this page.

Similar films were shot in the Berdyansk, Zaporoshie region.

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In the face of a large-scale offensive, with ground forces and airstrikes, the Ukrainians are preparing to meet with Putin’s army. In other cities of the country, men train while women make Molotov cocktails, while residents of many cities empty-handed, preventing Russian tanks from entering their territories.

Author: M.L.

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