POLITICO: A Ukrainian woman has placed in a box the remains of her husband who was killed by the Russians. After killing him, the soldiers turned him into a trap

Russian soldiers killed a Ukrainian army volunteer on the outskirts of Kiev, leaving his body in the trunk of his car, but under it a man left an anti-mine mine that exploded as Ukrainian forces tried to move him.

Soldier’s widow Lyudmila Kirbach spoke Politics The most difficult experience he has ever gone through. The woman said that as soon as the Russian invasion began, her husband, Alexander, mobilized as a mechanic in the industry, and the next day began to organize a volunteer force in their village near Kyiv, Kaliningrad.

On March 1, a few days after Russian troops entered their village, Alexander’s volunteers spied on what other Russian troops were doing. As they did not return, the person went in search of them.

“He said he would come right away.” Lyudmila said. But Alexander never came home. The next day, Lyudmila went in search of him with some relatives, as he had no peace.

He noticed that her car and keys were in contact on the road. A friend who came with her noticed bullets flying in the trunk. They opened it and found Alexander’s body inside. Those who came with Lyudmila stopped her at a distance, suspecting that something in the middle was dirty and that the trunk might be a trap.

On March 4, they returned to the scene with the Ukrainian soldiers.

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They tied Alexander’s legs with ropes and pulled the body from a distance. As the body moved, “the car exploded and turned into a fireball.” Russian soldiers placed a one-man anti-mine under Oleksandr.

“Lyudmila took the pieces of the man he had spent decades with and put them in a box.”, Says Politico. Later, they buried him in their backyard, where they grew vegetables together.

In April, the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry said Russian attacks on civilians had been extended beyond artillery fire, and officials said they had found traps in cities including Kiev and Mariupol. “The Russian Federation is engaged in war not only with the Ukrainian Armed Forces, but also with civilians in Ukraine, violating the laws of war.”That is stated in the report.

Publisher: DC

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