Putin threatens West again at Moscow parade: Strategic nuclear forces “always” on alert

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Vladimir Putin delivered his “Victory Day” speech in Moscow’s Red Square. Photo: Video capture

Russia marked the Soviet Union’s victory over Nazi Germany in World War II on Thursday, two days after Vladimir Putin reasserted his autocratic rule for a fifth term, as relations with the West further soured over the intervention of Russian troops in Ukraine News.ro.

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Vladimir Putin began his Victory Day speech by resuming attacks on the West. “The West is trying to distort the truth about World War II because it interferes in colonial politics,” Vladimir Putin said.

However, he promised that Russia would do everything to prevent a global outbreak.

“We know what the escalation of such ambitions leads to. Russia will do everything to prevent a global conflict,” Putin said in Red Square, after Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu reviewed the troops, Reuters writes. “But at the same time we will not allow anyone to intimidate us. Our strategic forces will always War will be ready,” he added, Agerpres.

Vladimir Putin appeared on stage in front of Red Square, and a parade celebrating the 79th anniversary of the Victory began with cheers from Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and soldiers. It was snowing in Moscow.

9,000 military personnel are taking part in the parade and, for the first time, including soldiers taking part in “special operations” in Ukraine, the Russian Defense Ministry said.

Earlier, the TASS agency says, a T-70 tank, whose crew participated in the attack on the (Ukrainian) city of Melitopol in 1943, went through the streets of the city during the Victory Day ceremony. Melitopol was one of the cities captured by the Russians after the invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

Before the Victory Day parade on Red Square, Vladimir Putin personally met with invited foreign leaders in the Kremlin Hall of Arms.

Among the regular spectators at the May 9 parade is Patriarch Kirill, a trusted aide to Putin.

It is unusually cold in Moscow, with temperatures close to zero degrees. However, spokesman Dmitry Peskov assured that the weather would never be an obstacle to the Red Square festivities, according to TASS agency.

Putin now presents the war as part of a holy war with the West, which he says ignores the role the Soviet Union played in defeating Nazi Germany and the lesson that neither Napoleon Bonaparte nor Adolf Hitler could have defeated Russia.

“I would like to bow to our heroes, to those who took part in special military operations, to all those who fought for the motherland,” Putin said when he was sworn in as the new president on Tuesday.

The 71-year-old Kremlin leader has vowed to win the war as Russian forces advance against Ukrainian forces despite hundreds of billions of dollars in aid from the United States and its allies.

Ukraine and the West say Putin is engaged in an imperialist-style land grab and has vowed to defeat Russia, which now controls a fifth of Ukraine, including Crimea, and parts of four regions in eastern Ukraine. Moscow claims that these territories, which were once part of the Russian Empire, are now part of Russia again.

The Soviet Union lost 27 million people in World War II, including many millions in the Ukraine, but eventually drove Nazi forces back to Berlin, where Hitler committed suicide, and the red flag of Soviet victory was erected at the Reichstag in 1945. Unconditional. The surrender of Nazi Germany took effect at 23:01 on 8 May 1945, which was marked as “Victory in Europe Day” by France, Britain and the United States. In Moscow, however, it was already May 9, the Soviet Union’s “Victory Day” over what Russians call the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45.

Victory Day parades are held in all major cities across Russia’s 11 time zones.

Unlike the last few marches, there were no Western leaders. Russia noted that ambassadors from “unfriendly” countries – which usually support the West and Ukraine – were not invited to the march.

Instead, there are the leaders of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Cuba, Laos and Guinea-Bissau.

Meanwhile, in Ukraine, Russian missiles hit infrastructure overnight, and in parallel, several drone strikes took place on Russian territory.

Neither Russia nor Ukraine have released reliable figures on the number of casualties in the war, although Western intelligence estimates put the total number of dead and wounded at several hundred thousand.

Russian officials warn that the war in Ukraine is entering an even more dangerous phase – Putin has repeatedly warned of the danger of a much larger war involving the world’s largest nuclear powers. The crisis has deepened in recent weeks: US President Joe Biden signed a $61 billion aid package for Ukraine; Britain declared that Ukraine had the right to attack Russia with British weapons; And French President Emmanuel Macron has refused to rule out sending French troops against Russian forces.

Russia announced on Monday that it was conducting a military deployment of tactical nuclear weapons, following what Moscow said were threats from France, Britain and the United States.

Publisher: AC

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