Russian soldiers accidentally shot down their own planes

According to the British cyber intelligence agency GCHQ, Russian troops accidentally shot down their own planes and sometimes refused to obey orders.

British Cyber ​​Intelligence Agency: Russian soldiers accidentally shoot down their own planes

Speaking at the Australian National University on Thursday, Sir Jeremy Fleming said it was clear that Vladimir Putin had “misjudged” the situation in Ukraine and “overestimated” the capabilities of the Russian military.

“We have seen Russian soldiers – unarmed and unarmed – refusing to carry out orders, destroying their own equipment and accidentally shooting down their own aircraft,” the text on the GCHQ website reads.

Echoing the comments of US and Ukrainian officials this week, Fleming said Putin’s advisers were “afraid to tell him the truth.”

The GCHQ believes that Russia has made a “sustained” attempt to destabilize Ukraine through cyber-attacks.

“We have certainly seen indicators that Russia’s cyber actors are looking for targets in countries that oppose their actions,” he said.

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