Russia’s secret plan to annex Belarus by 2030 How Moscow prepares to wipe another country off the map

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The tasks of the Russian intelligence services include controlling the influence of “nationalist and pro-Western” forces and “strengthening pro-Russian sentiments among the military and political elites and the Belarusian population by introducing pro-Russian influence groups”. Photo: Profimedia Images

Russia has drawn up a strategy by 2021 to “absorb” Belarus by 2030, controlling the neighbor’s political, economic and military potential, according to a Moscow presidential administration document accessed by the exiled opposition Dozier Center and former oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky. , reports EFE on Tuesday.

It is a document created by the Kremlin in collaboration with the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), the Federal Security Service (FSB), the Military Intelligence Service (GUR) and the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, and is available to journalists. From Estonia, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, the United States, Germany, Sweden and Poland, according to the dossier.

“The Kremlin wanted to adapt Belarusian law to Russian law, manage the republic’s foreign policy in line with Russia’s interests, increase military presence on the territory of Belarus, gain dominance over the Russian language, and grant Belarusian language and Russian citizenship to Belarusians. All these objectives were to be achieved in the nine years until 2030,” the investigation’s summary said. .

Starting in 2021, Russia increased its forces in Belarus under the pretext of joint military exercises, leading up to the outbreak of war in Ukraine on February 24, 2022.

Examined by the Document Center, the document entitled “Strategic Objectives of the Russian Federation in the Direction of Belarus” sets out the objectives of “harmonizing Belarusian legislation with Russian legislation and subordinating socio-political, commercial, scientific and cultural life in Belarus”.

“The entire strategy of the presidential administration is built around these areas. Each objective is divided into tasks with different levels of urgency through 2022, 2025 and 2030,” according to the investigation.

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“In addition to harmonizing trade and economic relations, Russia wants to take control of the politico-military sector in Belarus by 2030,” notes the Dozier Center.

What tasks did the Russian secret services receive to destroy the independence of Belarus?

According to the investigation, the tasks of Russian intelligence services included curbing the influence of “nationalist and pro-Western” forces, reforming the Belarusian constitution in line with Russian interests, and strengthening pro-Russian sentiments among the military and political elite. and by introducing “pro-Russian influence groups” among the Belarusian population.

Among the “strategic goals” is to gain control of the Belarusian intelligence service by the end of the decade and introduce a simplified procedure for issuing Russian passports to Belarusian citizens “with the aim of creating a blanket of (new) Russian citizens interested in integration. Business circles are focused on the Russian market.

The document considers turning Russia’s education into “a tool” in Belarus, considering the opening of unified examination centers for the state exam for university admission in 2030, writes Akerpres.

“In addition, the Kremlin plans to open new scientific and cultural centers in Mogilov, Grodno and Vitebsk,” the Dozier Center said.

Russia and Belarus signed an agreement in the late 1990s to create a state union with the aim of political and economic integration, but in 2019 both sides agreed to 28 proposals signed by Russian and Belarusian presidents Vladimir Putin. and Alexander Lukashenko, in November 2021.

For the most part, these plans refer to economic matters such as customs law, taxes, labor law and pensions, the integration of monetary systems or the creation of single markets in the energy sector, and common policies in industry and agriculture. Departments.

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Author: Bogdan Păcurar | Ral Nettoyu

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