Tehran still trying to kill Trump to avenge Soleimani’s death, says Iranian general

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Iranian General Qassem Soleimani. Photo: Wikipedia

A senior Iranian military official said on Friday evening that his country is still looking for ways to succeed in killing former US President Donald Trump, who killed then al-Quds commander Qassem Soleimani in a 2020 airstrike in Iraq. force, AFP reported.

“We believe that Trump, (former US Secretary of State (Mike) Pompeo, Kenneth) McKenzie (former head of the US military’s Central Command in the Middle East) and the US officials who ordered the assassination of Suleimani can be killed,” General Amir Ali Hajizadeh said on Iranian television.

“We now have the ability to hit US ships with missiles 2,000 kilometers away,” said the same general who heads the elite wing of the Iranian military’s Revolutionary Guards Air Force. Iranian state television also aired footage of the test of a “new 1,650-kilometer-range Bawe cruise missile” produced by the Revolutionary Guards.

The commander at the time of the Al-Quds Force, responsible for the external operations of the Revolutionary Guards and representative of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei region, General Soleimani died on January 3, 2020, following a US drone strike. On his convoy at the airport from Baghdad. Along with him, several members of the Hashd al-Shaabi, a coalition of Iraqi paramilitary forces dominated by pro-Iranian factions, were killed and their fighters attacked the US embassy in the Iraqi capital on December 31, 2019, according to AFP. By Agerpres.

According to U.S. officials and former President Donald Trump, who ordered the raids, it was intended to deter new operations by the al-Quds force, whose actions have resulted in the deaths of countless U.S. soldiers or U.S.-allied forces.

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Author: Liviu Kojan

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