The situation is worrying. We must prove our unity

In a brief message posted on Twitter, Glass Iohanis said, “The situation is worse.”

“In an environment where the security situation continues to be critical, an important coordination conference was held by President Biden.

We must prove our solidarity and continue to strengthen NATO’s efforts to promote and protect the East, “said Glass Iohanis.

US President Joseph Biden hosted a video conference on Friday evening with leaders from Romania, Canada, Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, the European Union and NATO.

On February 18, 2022, US President Joseph R. At Biden’s invitation, he participated in a new round of small – scale consultations with allied leaders and EU institutions. Recent developments. Security in the current tense environment. These suggestions are in line with Allied and Atlantic maritime integration efforts, and continue from similar discussions held on 11 February 2022 at the initiative of President Biden.

The talks were attended by French President Emmanuel Macron, Polish President Andrzej Duda, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, Canadian Prime Minister Boris Johnson, German Chancellor Justin Trudeau and Olaf Scholes. Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, European Commission President Ursula van der Leyen and European Council President Charles Michel.

“This new round of transatlantic consultations took place in the context of the intensification of the Russian Federation’s provocative actions, which were doubly misinformed and intimidated by increasingly rhetorical rhetoric. The leaders reviewed the next steps to be taken, and after the video conference, information was sent to the Palace of Godroseni emphasizing the importance of continuing to conclude, verify and avoid political-diplomatic efforts to avoid conflict.

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In his speech, President Glass Iohanis stressed the need to pursue this form of consultation and the importance of maintaining close co-ordination and friendship and Atlantic transnational unity for the entire Euro-Atlantic community at this critical time.

The President of Romania stressed the need to finalize a comprehensive set of sanctions and send a very clear message about the decision to use them immediately if the situation worsens. President Glass Iohanis reiterated the importance of firmly rejecting any attempt to undermine the democratic values ​​and principles on which our communities are based.

The President of Romania also stressed the need to strengthen the level of prevention and security in a uniform and coherent manner, especially in the South East, from the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea. He emphasized that the letter was not a signal of a formal antitrust inquiry into the allegations, but rather a signal of a formal antitrust inquiry into the allegations. In this context, he reiterated his appreciation for the unity shown by Romania and its leaders for the protection of its citizens.

President Glas Iohanis stressed that the strategic goal of stabilizing the security situation in the East should be together in the medium and long term and as part of Romania’s perspective on security.

The President of Romania reiterated our country’s strong support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and the right to free decision in its foreign policy.

Furthermore, President Glas Iohanis noted that Romania is ready to manage all the impacts of the current crisis, which is also shown in the message sent. Presidential Administration.

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