They heard desperate cries from underground and when they started digging they found a man alive. Man from Moldova buried alive for four days

Stunning sights in Moldova. After being buried alive by an 18-year-old, a 62-year-old man was pulled alive from underground. The man stayed there for four days. At one point his murmur was heard, which would bring him salvation.

By Observer Editorial Board on 15.05.2024, 17:12

The story became more complicated. The shocking discovery comes after a 74-year-old woman was found dead in her own home. Law enforcement officers from Klodeni district rushed to the spot and found the information confirmed. The pensioner had multiple injuries on his body. A short time later, police were able to identify the main suspect, an 18-year-old. He was found drunk at home.

He buried him alive

He was confused in his statements when questioned by investigators. While investigating and gathering evidence at his home, law enforcement officers near the home heard calls for help from underground. When they started digging, the police found an improvised barrel where they pulled out a man.

The victim told police that on May 11, they had consumed alcohol with the suspect, after which they had an altercation during which he was injured and locked up at the bar. Similarly, it has been confirmed that the suspect committed the murder between 12th and 13th May.

The suspect was detained for 72 hours, and police and prosecutors are conducting investigations and prosecutions to establish all the circumstances.

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