Ukrainians shocked by “madness” of Russian Chernobyl soldiers polluting themselves

Suddenly, a radiation meter’s deafening beep fills the room as a Ukrainian soldier enters. Russian soldiers from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant lived here, and the radiation level is now higher than usual, he writes. CNN.

Radiation warning in the Red Forest near ChernobylPhoto: Dream Time

There was no evidence of radioactive material in the room, but Ukrainian officials say it came from small particles and dust that soldiers brought into the building.

“They went to the Red Forest and brought radioactive material into their shoes,” said private Ihor Ugolkov. “Elsewhere it is fine, but the radiation has increased here because they lived here,” he says.

CNN has gained exclusive access to the power plant for the first time since its return to Ukrainian control.

Plant officials say the levels inside the room used by Russian soldiers are slightly higher than what the World Atomic Energy Agency describes as natural radiation. Timely contact is not dangerous, but constant exposure can be dangerous to health.

“They went everywhere and got radioactive dust [când au plecat]”, Ukolkov adds.

Ukrainian officials say this is an example of the negligence of Russian troops occupying the site of the 1986 nuclear disaster.

The area around Chernobyl, the Red Forest, is still the most nuclear-polluted part of the earth, with most radioactive particles in the soil.

Dozens of Russian soldiers are said to have experienced “severe signs of exposure to radioactive material” after digging trenches in the highly radioactive part of Chernobyl in the Red Forest. Following the spread of this news in the international press, Ukrainians are now coming and publishing videos with trenches In it the soldiers of the Red Army “took refuge.”

Traces of excavated trenches, traces of heavy or crawling vehicles, as well as remains of uniforms, debris and felled trees, remnants of fire made from wood and they are radioactive.

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That is what the international press reported a few days ago The Russian soldiers fell ill After exposure to radiation. The Russians are said to have had “severe signs of exposure to radioactive material”, especially after digging trenches in radioactive soil in the Red Forest.

As announced by the International Atomic Energy Agency Will begin the investigation.

The soldiers were then taken by bus to Belarus and admitted to a specialized medical center. Many are in a very bad condition, showing “serious signs of exposure to radioactive material”.

In addition to the trenches dug in the radioactive soil, the Russians are said to have raised a lot of dust in the air as they passed through the area with heavy shields.

Dangers of the Red Forest

The forested area was renamed the Red Forest because tens of thousands of square kilometers of pine trees turned red after absorbing the radiation of one of the worst nuclear disasters in the world in 1986.

A large area around Chernobyl is off-limits to those who do not work there or have special permits, but the Red Forest is considered so polluted that even nuclear plant workers are not allowed to go there.

According to Ukrainian technicians, these soldiers were assigned a “suicide mission”. Named the “Red Forest” after the 1986 catastrophic accident, the tree’s apex turned red, declaring it an “unsafe” area for the next 24,000 years.

Today, there are many tourist spots in the area, but only after obtaining a permit and in the company of official guides who have the equipment to measure the level of pollution and know where to go, because there are still many radiation points in the area. .

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