Video Igor Kirkin: If Putin’s accuser is in the crowd, it’s really doubly so

Igor Girkin, a former separatist commander in Donbass who is one of the critics of the military command in Moscow, says that President Vladimir Putin has real moments, not a double, for the way he is conducting the war. When the leader from the Kremlin appears alone or at one end of the table away from his guests.

Putin in CrimeaPhoto: – / Sputnik / Profimedia

  • “The real Vladimir Vladimirovich sat alone in the Kremlin chapel at Christmas. Single!
  • Perhaps the priests were afraid to approach him. He could be a sniper who warned that he would shoot if he got closer than 20 meters.
  • He is the real Vladimir Vladimirovich, and when he receives the ministers, he sits alone on one side of the table and watches them through binoculars.
  • – “Where am I?”
  • This is real. But the one who adorns and unites all, others
  • And if I see the speaker…, said to be Putin in the crowd, I immediately see an impersonator. No one knows what this double means. He’s talking nonsense.”

Igor Kirkin is a nationalist militant and former FSB officer who helped launch the 2014 war in the Donbass region. He also commanded pro-Russian separatists in the Donbass after the war broke out 9 years ago.

Many foreign analysts and commentators say one reason Girkin is given such freedom of speech is that he has never criticized President Vladimir Putin, blaming the failures of the armed forces sent to Ukraine on the military command in Moscow.

Putin will have at least three visits

In fact, the head of the Ukrainian military intelligence services, General Krylo Budanov, said that Vladimir Putin has at least three lookalikes who have undergone plastic surgery to resemble the Kremlin leader.

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Major General Krylo Budanov said that Ukrainian services have found Putin “doubles” who have stood in for the Russian president on several “special occasions” in the past, but this has now become a “common practice”.

In an interview with HotNews, Budanov said that the Ukrainian services “confirmed the information that in the last events Putin participated in, there were actually some people who replaced him.”

Igor Girkin’s statements come as the Kremlin announced on Saturday that Putin had visited Crimea to celebrate nine years since the annexation of the Ukrainian peninsula. Also, he would have personally driven the car around Sevastopol.

In a defiant move, Putin also visited Mariupol, a Ukrainian city occupied by Russian forces, on Sunday.

The International Criminal Court (ICC) on Friday issued an arrest warrant against Russian President Vladimir Putin, accusing him of war crimes of illegally deporting at least 100 children from Ukraine.

The move would allow the court’s 123 member states to arrest Putin and transfer him to The Hague for trial if he enters their territory.

Moscow has repeatedly denied allegations that its forces committed atrocities during the invasion of Ukraine.

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