Video reporters’ dinner: Biden made reporters laugh, and Trump and Putin teased about his age / caustic with Russia

The president and the jokes returned, and the masks disappeared at the White House reporter’s dinner, which resumed in Washington on Saturday night, where Joe Biden provoked Russia from comedy to seriousness.

Joe Biden at a press conferencePhoto: Peter Klaunzer / AFP / Profimedia Images

“I’m so glad to be here tonight with the same group of Americans who are less famous than I am,” the Democratic leader said at the beginning of his speech.

Appropriately known, the US President continued his speech with age-related defenses.

“Calvin Coolidge, the first U.S. president to attend a press conference in 1924 … I was elected a senator in the U.S. Congress,” Biden said, sparking a flurry of laughter.

Plum Trump

To make fun of his Republican predecessor Donald Trump, who never appeared at the press conference, he noted that the last few years have been tough: “We had a terrible plague, followed by two years of COVID.”

Joe Biden later took a more serious tone, paying tribute to reporters in the media about the Ukrainian war and warning of “the poison that is spreading with the misinformation that is growing in our democracy (…).”

“Independent journalism is more important than it was in the last century,” White House President Fran பிரois Press was quoted as saying.

Before speaking to comedian Trevor Nova, the master of ceremonies, Biden addressed him: “Trevor, the good news is that now you can make fun of the US president. Unlike what happens in Moscow, you will not go to jail.”

Famous TV presenter Trevor Nova began by claiming to be proud to be the host of “the nation’s most special super-epidemic event.”

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No mask, get rid of criticism

A note that the gala was conducted without wearing a mask, despite being asked to prove the vaccine.

Joe, Biden, 79, did not wear a mask, but as a precaution did not attend the actual dinner. Vice President Kamala Harris was confirmed to have a corona infection last week.

Journalists “have been so hard on you, I do not understand why,” Trevor Nova teased President Pita.

“It’s been going up since you were in power – gas prices went up, rents went up, food went up, you know!” The comedian continued in the same humorous tone.

Biden grinned as he tried to distinguish himself as much as possible from President Donald Trump, the only exception to the traditional 1924 reunion organized by the Association of Recognized Journalists since 1980. .

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