Video Vladimir Solovyov’s latest outburst stunned even the guests on his show

A new temper tantrum by Russian President Vladimir Putin’s favorite propagandist, TV host Vladimir Solovyov, has stunned even the guests in the studio.

Vladimir Solovyov took aim at Joseph Borrell, the head of European diplomacy.Photo: Video capture

The latest target of Solovyov’s ire is Joseph Borrell, the head of European diplomacy, after he called Russia a “fascist” country. A spokesman for the European official later said his comments had been mistranslated.

“Look at this admirer of his [Francisco] Franco! To that successor of the Blue Division who fought against the Soviet Union and took part in the siege of Leningrad! Look at that puffy, disgusted face!” He is surprised.

It is not clear what connection Solovyov sees between Borel and Franco, the only thing the two have in common is Spanish nationality. While Franco was a right-wing dictator that historians see as having overtones of fascism, Borel was a well-known socialist politician in Spain before entering European politics.

Some of Solovyo’s guests looked down during his stealth

The Blue Division, referred to by the Russian television host, was a unit of Spanish volunteers enlisted to fight on the Eastern Front against Bolshevism in World War II. Although recruited by the Spanish Armed Forces, the unit was officially the Wehrmacht, a battalion within the German Army and maintained a policy of neutrality during the war, despite Spain’s ideological closeness to the Axis powers.

“No, I said what an MEP said,” he says, Solovyov continues his rant. “But you didn’t correct him, ah! You didn’t provoke him! 27 million! Some of them were killed by your allies! And about your comrades who came to our lands,” he said in the war. Mentions the number of Soviet citizens who are said to have died.

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“How dare you open your pathetic mouth to put the words ‘fascist’ and ‘Russia’ together? You support Nazis in Ukraine! You are happy to see Russians killed! You listen to it”, he concludes his monologue, which even his guests from the Rossiya-1 station. Astounding.

Solovyov’s new rage is reminiscent of the one at the end of last month German chancellor Olaf Scholz was hit hardHe compares him to Nazi dictator and murderer Adolf Hitler.

On August 31, two planes with military ammunition flew to Ukraine They left SpainAs part of the military aid promised to Kiev by the socialist government in Madrid.

However, in early August, the administration, led by Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez, announced that he had promised Ukraine German-made Gebhardt armored vehicles. They are no longer offered Because of their “completely unsatisfied” status.

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