War crimes committed by Putin’s military in Ukraine. Public graves, hanged civilians, abandoned corpses in the streets

The liberation of Ukrainian cities from Russian occupation reveals further evidence of war crimes committed by the Russian military. At the same time, pictures of the liberated areas show the scale of the Russian military’s military disaster five weeks after the invasion of Ukraine. During the Russian military occupation, at least 300 civilians were killed in the Ukrainian city of Pukaya / Pucha. Most of the victims of war crimes committed by the Russian military in the region are buried in mass graves, and some bodies are still on the city streets. Reuters reports.

“You bastards!” It was the reaction of a 66-year-old local man who said the bodies of locals killed by a Russian military tank were still on the street in front of the house. “Some dogs!”

After five weeks of fighting, Russian troops withdrew from cities around Kiev. In the town of Fuchsia / Pucha, near Irfin, 37 kilometers northwest of Kiev, Reuters reporters found corpses in the streets and several arms and legs coming out of a partially covered mass grave dug into the ground.

A clip released on social media by the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense shows gruesome pictures of Ukrainian soldiers slamming on a street in Fuchs among the bodies of civilians killed in the brief executions of Russian soldiers. The hands of some of those killed were tied behind their backs.

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Russia has so far declined to comment on the matter.

“In Fuchsia, we have already buried 280 people in mass graves, because it is impossible to do so in the three cemeteries of the municipality under the fire of the Russian army,” said city mayor Anatoly Fedork.

At the same time, one of the streets of Fuchs, in an attempt to encircle Kiev, became a symbol of the military defeat of the Russian army in the region. The BBC reports.

Ukrainian soldier near the wreckage of a Russian military tank in the Irbin-Fuchsia region. Photo: Profimedia Images

The wreckage of tanks and armored cars of the Russian military convoy that had been lurking in the early days of the invasion can still be seen on this street. The convoy was completely destroyed.

A few days ago, the US Department of Defense accused Russian forces of committing war crimes in Ukraine and said it would help gather evidence for those crimes. The Pentagon has accused the Kremlin of deliberately carrying out indiscriminate attacks on civilians.

Kiev Mayor Vitaly Klikiko: This is genocide

European Council President Charles Michel on Sunday accused the Russian military of “atrocities” in the Ukrainian region of Kiev and called for further sanctions against Moscow, the AgP said in a statement issued by Agerpres.

“I was shocked by the ghost pictures of the atrocities committed by the Russian military in the liberated area of ​​Kiev,” Michael said on his Twitter account, using the hashtag #BuchaMassacre, after the Kiev troops recaptured the Ukrainian city from the Russians, there were about 300 people. Were buried in mass graves.

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“The Kiev region. Hell of the 21st century. The bodies of men and women killed with their hands tied. The worst crimes of Nazism have returned to Europe.

Kiev Mayor Vitaly Clichyko has accused Russian troops of genocide.

“What happened in Fuchsia and other suburbs of Kiev can only be described as genocide,” Vitaly Glysico told the German tabloid Bild on Sunday.

Clichy says Russian President Vladimir Putin is to blame.

“These are heinous war crimes, Putin is responsible for. They killed civilians with their hands tied,” the Kiev mayor said.

Author: Mihnia Lazar

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