After 6 months, the mystery of the bodies of both mother and daughter was discovered. The medical examiner was unable to determine a cause of death

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After 6 months, the mystery of the bodies of both mother and daughter was discovered. Photo: Profimedia

Zarin Adatia, 84, and her daughter Tasneem, 48, were found dead in their rented flat in north London, six months after their deaths. According to reports, the coroner who examined their bodies could not explain the cause of death The Independent.

The bodies were discovered on November 24, 2022, when gas company employees obtained a court warrant to break down the door to investigate. Their previous requests went unanswered.

Tasneem was taking care of her mother, who suffered from diabetes and was “in agony” almost immobile, but had no other medical conditions.

Neighbors said they were worried about the couple’s fate last April, but initially thought they were on vacation.

Meanwhile, Tasneem’s sister Farah Mehta and her best friend have sent emails trying to contact her.

Elliott Sweetman, director of operations and properties at Barnett Homes, the property company that managed the flat, said he was not initially suspicious but later checked the property from outside and found nothing to indicate the two were home.

The rent for the apartment was automatically paid every month, so there was no doubt for the realtor.

Gas inspectors sent 6 letters, made 3 phone calls and knocked on the door 3 times in 3 months.

An empty painkiller packet and Tasneem’s charging mobile phone were found on the table next to Tasneem and there were fans in the room.

No indication of suicide was found and there were no signs of anyone trying to break into the house.

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Police initially could not determine whether carbon monoxide played a role in the two deaths, but the hypothesis was later ruled out.

“This is an incredibly difficult case. I’m just left with speculation, I’m not allowed to speculate on what might have happened,” coroner Peter Straker told the court.

“When I read about how they were discovered, I thought carbon monoxide, gases, but there was no evidence that they were a factor. I also thought about suicide, but I couldn’t find anything to suggest that. It’s very difficult to think of anything that isn’t speculation. . Natural causes can also be speculative,” the coroner said.

“It’s very difficult to find a reasonable explanation for what happened. I don’t know what to say,” he added.

Because too much time had passed between the two women’s deaths and the discovery of their bodies, toxicology tests could not be conducted, he said.

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