Ex-Commander of Ukrainian Special Forces Interrogated by Prosecutors / Alleges File Ordered by General Zelensky

The former commander of the Ukrainian special forces, General Serhii Krivonos, reports that a criminal case was opened against him on the orders of President Volodymyr Zelensky. Babel.

General Serhii Krivonos, former commander of the Ukrainian Special ForcesPhoto: Mykola Lazarenko / Associated Press / Profimedia Pictures

The file relates to the period when Krivonos commanded the security of Sikorsky International Airport in Kyiv after the start of the Russian invasion. On February 24.

“On August 2, a criminal case was opened against me by the State Security Bureau. SBI investigators were ordered to recognize as illegal the order personally signed by the Chief of the Armed Forces, Valery Zalujny, appointing me as the commander of the Kyiv airport and enlisting me in the army,” said Krivonos. Said on the page.

The general says he is accused of issuing illegal orders during the February-March airstrikes and has been asked to provide prosecutors with a document he gave to rejoin the Ukrainian armed forces as a retired officer. and his release from command.

Ukrainian prosecutors say they are investigating “thefts” at the airport

The SBI said in a press release that it was investigating the theft of property belonging to the airport during its security and the vandalism of airstrips at the behest of Krivonos, an action they say was “not dictated by military necessity”.

The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine confirmed that General Krivonos was involved in the security of the airport, but said that he did so on a voluntary basis and was not officially re-enlisted in the armed forces at the behest of Valery Zalujny.

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The Ukrainian military also said the objective was guarded by units of regional security forces while “stabilizing the situation around Kiev”.

In addition to commanding the Ukrainian Special Forces, General Serhii Krivonos served as Deputy Secretary of the National Security Council of Ukraine from 2016 to December 2020.

He was removed from office by President Volodymyr Zelensky after he criticized his idea of ​​mass mobilization of Ukrainian men and women in case of a Russian offensive in Crimea. Krivonos said at the time that the Ukrainians were not “ideologically” ready for this and that they were not properly trained to fight.

A direct attack on Volodymyr Zelensky, the former commander of the Ukrainian special forces

In July of this year, Krivonos launched a backlash against the politico-military leadership in Kiev. Not investing in business Ukrainian Defense.

His comments came amid widespread excitement about Ukrainian forces receiving US HIMARS systems, with Krivonos noting that Ukraine has a number of home-made cruise missiles.

“But we are not investing money to improve our own defense capabilities and security sector,” the official said.

In early August, Krivonos launched a direct attack on the office of President Volodymyr Zelensky. There will be pro-Russian agents.

Speaking about the information the leadership in Kiev had about the imminence of the Russian invasion, he said that in January US officials “at the highest level” came to the Ukrainian capital and “showed us what to do on maps”. What happens and how. But the political leadership said they were lies, falsehoods and inducements. Why? Because pro-Russian agents may be in the president’s office.

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“There is no other way to justify it. Let’s say we didn’t know. That’s a blatant lie. Ukrainian and foreign intelligence agencies informed the leadership of the Russian attack,” he alleged.

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