History Lesson Putin Teaches Olympic Students: Ukraine Started War, Russians Fight for Donbass Residents

Russian President Vladimir Putin gave an open lesson to Olympic students from fields as diverse as culture, art, science, sports, and “Let’s talk about important things,” in which he gave the children his view on the “special military operation” from Ukraine, reports said. Russian state agency RIA Novosti. Vladimir Putin told the children that the war in Ukraine was started by Ukraine in 2014 and now Russian soldiers are “giving their lives for Russia and the people living in the Donbass”.

An “anti-Russian enclave” is forming in Ukraine that threatens Russia, and the aim of Russia’s military campaign is its liquidation, Russian President Vladimir Putin was quoted Thursday as saying by EFE and Interfax news agencies. By Agerpres.

“On the territory of today’s Ukraine, the creation of an anti-Russian landmass that threatens our country has begun,” Putin said during a meeting with students in the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad on the Baltic Sea. The school year in Russia on September 1, images broadcast live from Russian public television.

In his speech, Putin reiterated that Ukraine never existed as a country before the creation of the Soviet Union, and that the communist regime created the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, which replaced vast ancestral Russian territories.

“There is no such state. After the (Bolshevik) revolution of 1917, all sorts of quasi-states were created, and then, during the formation of the Soviet Union, Ukraine also appeared. The then-ruling Communist Party created the Union Republics and significant historical Russian territories, including the Donbass. transferred the territory to Ukraine, although the residents of Donbass do not want this. There are documents proving this,” Vladimir Putin said, Interfax quoted.

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About the scope of the special operation

According to the Kremlin leader, some accuse Russia of aggression in Ukraine, when in fact, things are exactly the opposite, reports Agency Rea From the Russian President’s meeting with Olympic students.

“After the 2014 coup d’état in Ukraine (the revolution in which former President Viktor Yanukovych fled to Russia – no), the residents of Donetsk, Luhansk, Crimea – anyway, a large part of them, no one understands or knows – they do not want to recognize the results of this strike,” said Vladimir Putin. Rea quoted.

He added that Russia’s goal is to end the war that Kyiv authorities launched against these people eight years ago.

According to Ria, the president announced that support is needed for Russian soldiers fighting to protect the residents of the Donbass and the homeland.

“Of course, he deserves all the support of the society. This is very important. And from the youth. Because many boys risk their lives to fight and die. They should understand what they are giving their lives for, for the people living in Russia and Donbass,” Putin added.

About how history is taught in Ukraine

Putin also noted that Education Minister Sergey Kravtsov had told him earlier in the day how the history of relations with Russia is taught in Ukraine.

“Students don’t know the Crimean Bridge (Putin’s Bridge – no) exists. They thought it was a Fake. (…) They don’t even know that Ukraine and Russia are part of the Soviet Union,” the president insisted, according to Ria.

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About the secret of success

Putin firmly believes that discipline plays an important role in achieving success, but that it is not enough. According to him, only a combination of several factors can help achieve the desired result.

“This is the key to success. And, of course, perseverance. Perseverance is usually a unique skill. Force yourself to work and produce it,” the Kremlin leader told the students.

He asserted that the success of the country was born of the success of its citizens.

(Intertitles taken as they appeared in Rhea Agency.)

Author: Bogdan Bagurar

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