Strong reactions in Sofia after the Netherlands’ announcement regarding the blocking of Bulgaria’s entry into Schengen. “Bulgaria Gains Cynicism”

There have been strong reactions from officials in Sofia after the Netherlands announced it would oppose letting Bulgaria into Schengen.

“Instead of European unity, Bulgaria gains cynicism”

Instead of European unity, Bulgaria gains cynicism!“, President Rumen Radaev wrote on his Facebook page about the Dutch government’s decision to block Bulgaria’s entry into the Schengen area.

Radev recalled the death of three Bulgarian policemen on guard at the EU’s external border.

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte has unacceptably suggested that 50 euros could cross this threshold.“, said the Head of State.

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“The Netherlands just gave the best Christmas present to all the Eurosceptics”

Vice President Ileana Yodova criticized the Dutch government’s decision to block Bulgaria’s entry into the Schengen area. He sent a message to Bulgarian politicians that the decision should not become an argument for new internal political conflicts.

I think the best and clearest response was given by President Radhev, whose definition of a cynical attitude in one word captures the characteristics of this situation. The Netherlands has given the best Christmas present to all the Eurosceptics, populist parties and those who don’t want a strong Europe in Europe. By their decision, they tolerate a double standard in Europe, which is not at the heart of the EU’s creation. Not to mention the values ​​of solidarity, empathy, mutual help and mutual respect“, she declared.

“Netherlands proposal to cross border for €50 attacks”

Bulgaria makes extraordinary efforts to guarantee the security of its partners“, said Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Internal Affairs Ivan Demertshev.

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Ivan Demerdzhiev highlighted the efforts of Bulgaria and its security forces to protect the border to meet all the needs of its European partners.The most dangerous formula is that you can cross the border for 50 euros“.

The Minister also recalls that Bulgaria has successfully passed two consecutive controls under the guidance of the European Commission, which ended with definitive statements that the country meets all the requirements of the Schengen Act.

The price for our Schengen membership could not be more decent than that of the Bulgarian police! We are not ready to pay such a price!” says Deputy Prime Minister Ivan Demertjiev

“Rutte must be careful, what he said is not the position of Europe”

Bulgaria will enter Schengen in a few days or months. The President responded firmly and timely. Rude’s idea that you can cross the border for 50 euros is ridiculous. Bulgarians died to protect not only us but also them. Root should be careful. It won’t go away so easily“, said Minister of Justice Krum Zarkov for BTV.

It’s not about emotion, it’s good. All said and done. I did not expect such a reaction. We are taking several steps in this direction. It’s a constant battle. I don’t want to fight corruption for Holland, for us. What Mark Rutte said was not Europe’s position. The European Commission at the highest level, the European Parliament and all member states, except one, sided with Bulgaria.“, he added.

Zarkov insisted that he respected the Dutch position, but that it should be expressed in a way that did not call into question the dignity and lives of Bulgarian police officers.

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The Netherlands has no right not to want us in Schengen. The way they did it was completely unacceptable, unjustified from a political and legal point of view“, emphasized the Minister of Justice.

“Western countries demonstrate hypocrisy and hypocrisy by refusing to enter Schengen”

The problem with Bulgaria’s entry into Schengen is not technical – Bulgaria has long met all the necessary conditions. The problem is an economic and political decision and here we see the extreme hypocrisy and hypocrisy of some western countries. For 11 years, Bulgaria and Romania have been outside the Schengen area for purely economic reasons – so that they can stop our carriers’ trucks and prevent competition.“, said MEP Angel Djambazki for Nova TV after the Dutch decision to block Bulgaria’s entry into the Schengen area.

Remember this hypocrisy when the EU explained to us that it should not exclude a country (North Macedonia) from membership because it is not a European country, it is not a European value, and for 11 years the West has had Bulgaria and Romania. As secondary countries. Obviously, this is not about technical criteria“, he added.

There is no unity. It won’t exist. This is the understanding of European values. Two standards, two circles of countries, one inner, these are the white countries, and the other from the outer circle, the gray area where cheap labor comes from. This is how the politicians of countries like the Netherlands and Austria see ita”, said the MEP.

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A party leader proposes that Bulgaria boycott the Netherlands

“The leader of the smallest political force represented in Parliament”Bulgarian rise“- Stepan Yanev – announced on his Facebook profile that the party’s parliamentary committee will submit a proposal to the National Assembly for a decision, forcing the Prime Minister of Bulgaria to vote against all Dutch initiatives. Hack authorities towards Bulgaria regarding the blocking of Schengen area members.

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