“The May 9 parade will be at sea” / The public was evacuated from the Azovstale plant

On Friday, Ukrainian Prime Minister Denis Smykel said half of Ukraine’s 603,700 square kilometers was filled with mines or unexploded ordnance. New prisoners exchange with Russia took place on Friday: 28 soldiers and 13 civilians were released by Russian forces, but the number of Russian prisoners released by Kiev is unknown. On the same day, Jill Biden visited Romania, where she met with soldiers from the site of Mikhail Gogolnizianu. On Saturday, he meets with Carmen Iohanis and visits Ukrainian refugees, then continues his visit to Slovakia. On Friday, senior Russian Kremlin officials said Russia would be “forever” in southern Ukraine.

Read the highlights of Saturday, May 7:

20:14 The Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tetros Adanom Caprais, visited the Ukrainian city of Irfin on Saturday afternoon, which was badly affected by Russian attacks in February and March. (Details here)

8:02 pm Ukraine’s Deputy Prime Minister Irina Versiuk said on Saturday that all women, children and the elderly had been evacuated from the Azovstal steelworks, the latest stronghold of Ukrainian forces besieged by Russian forces in the southern Ukrainian port city of Mariupol. (Details here)

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8:00. The Associated Press reports that Russia on Saturday held a public rehearsal for a military parade commemorating May 9, Victory Day, an event marking the defeat of Nazi Germany during World War II. (Details here)

6:56 p.m. Ukrainian and Russian officials say Russian missiles have targeted two locations in the city of Sumi in northern Ukraine near the Russian border.

6:16 p.m. The head of the State Duma (the lower house of the Russian parliament), Viceroy Volodymyr, on Saturday accused Washington of coordinating military operations in Ukraine, with his view that the United States was directly involved in military action against Russia, Reuters reports. Details here.

17:51 Berlin bans the display of Russian and Ukrainian flags on May 8 and 9 / Europe celebrates the end of World War II on May 8, while Russia “seizes” the significance of the day, talking about the victory of the Soviet Union and changing the date. . Details here.

17:13 US Secretary of State Anthony Blingen has said that Russian President Vladimir Putin is trying to “distort history” and “justify his unprovoked and brutal war against Ukraine” in the wake of events marking the end of World War II.

16:52 The war between Russia and Ukraine, launched by Moscow on February 24, continued on Saturday, with intense fighting in the pro-Russian regions of Donetsk and Lukansk in eastern Ukraine and the siege of the southern city of Azovstel Steelworks. Ukrainian militants, EFE reports.

Time 16:14 Several rockets hit the southern Ukrainian port city of Odessa, said Sergei Pradzuk, a regional administration spokesman. Details here.

15:21 Jill Biden will then travel to Bratislava, Slovakia to meet with US embassy staff. On Sunday, May 8, the First Lady will travel to Slovakia’s Kozai and Weisne Nemkek to meet with refugees, humanitarian workers and local Slovakians who are supporting families who took refuge in Slovakia during the crisis. On Monday, May 9, the first lady will meet with members of the Slovak government before leaving for the United States. On Friday night, Jill Biden served food to the U.S. military at the Mikhail Gogolniciano Air Base. Details here.

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2:30 p.m. The Ukrainian Ministry of Defense said on Twitter: “Write Defender.

2 p.m. Russian forces have organized a rehearsal for a military parade in Moscow on Monday to mark Victory Day. As part of the rehearsal, The Guardian explains that the intercontinental ballistic missile RS-24 Yars passed through Red Square, with fighter jets and helicopters flying in the sky, troops marching and artillery passing over them.

1:30 p.m. Jill Biden praised the Romanian government and humanitarian organizations for helping the Ukrainians during the Bucharest visit, but warned that this was “just the beginning”.

12:45 p.m. Dozens of bodies have been exhumed in Vishkorod, northwest Kiev, and prosecutors are investigating war crimes committed by the Russian military in Ukraine. Details here.

12.00 pm. British Ministry of Defense: One of the most modern Russian tanks, the T-90M, was destroyed in Ukraine / Russia’s most efficient units and advanced capabilities were affected. Details here.

11:34 pm On Russian state television, a journalist who fought against the war published a statement in Russian about the Ukrainian refugees from Moldova: “Deliberately, the Russians need to understand the scale of the disaster.” Details here.

11:17 pm Ukraine is investigating more than 10,000 war crimes committed by Russians in Ukraine, Kiev reports / 223 children killed, according to the Office of the Attorney General of Ukraine. Details here.

10:30 p.m. Russia warns British ambassador to Moscow that sanctions on London could lead to “permanent destruction of bilateral relations” / Sanctions on the Russian media confirm the “hypocrisy and cynicism of British politicians”. Details here.

10:08 pm Chelsea sells for 2.5bn Who are the new owners here?

09:43 Russian newspaper announces “explosions in Transnistria” and recalls “terrorist attacks” on secured building / news that appeared two days before May 9, when experts anticipated an escalation of the conflict / “drones were spotted”.

9:00 p.m. UN: There is a risk of global famine if Ukrainian ports are not reopened / If the pits in Ukraine are not emptied soon, there will be no storage space and grain will be massively wasted. Details here.

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8:49 pm The United States has announced a further $ 150 million in military aid to Ukraine to provide additional weapons, equipment and supplies to strengthen its defenses. Details here.

8:46 pm The Pentagon says information provided by the United States to Ukraine is “legitimate”, “legitimate” and “limited”: “We are not the only source of information for them.” Details here.

8:43 pm Russia on Friday released a comprehensive list of products from car makers, technology companies and foreign consumer brands that the government has included in the “parallel imports” program to protect consumers from trade isolation by the West, Reuters reports. Details here.

8:16 pm The pro-Russian separatist republics of Donetsk and Lukansk in eastern Ukraine have appointed ambassadors to Moscow two and a half months after being recognized by Russia. Details here.

07:45 Ukraine’s Prime Minister Denis Smykel said on Friday that half of Ukraine’s land area of ​​603,700 square kilometers, which is within internationally recognized borders, is currently polluted by mines or unexploded ordnance.

7:30 p.m. Serbia is committed to joining the European Union, but says it will not change its policy on Russia.

07:00 Andrei Turciak, a senior official of the Russian parliament, said during a visit to Kherson on Friday that Russia would be “forever” in southern Ukraine, which says Moscow has imposed sanctions since March.

Photo source: Alexey NIKOLSKY / SPUTNIK / AFP

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