What’s next for Conversation Week? Kremlin: We are ready to retaliate. White House: We are ready for a definitive answer

After a week of intense diplomacy, the Russians and Westerners are in “completely different” positions, which is “annoying,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said in a statement on Sunday. Interview for CNN. As for the Americans, after consulting with allies, they promise a response and evaluation of the dispute with Moscow earlier this week, but warn that they are ready for any situation, including a “firm answer.”

“We do not know what the outcome will be. We have had these three series of talks. Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Sunday.

He was a good English speaker and used his words well to connect a message that seemed to be quiet with a threatening message. Asked about a possible Russian attack in the event of a diplomatic failure. “But we are prepared to retaliate if NATO does not meet Russia’s requirements,” he warned, without elaborating on the nature of the response.

In addition, he implicitly threatened that Russia’s patience was limited: “We are not talking about tomorrow, it is not about hours,” but “we do not want to see a month, a year of negotiations to discuss our differences,” said a spokesman for the Russian president. “We want to realize the beginning of the desire to take our concerns into account. Up to this point, unfortunately, we have not been able to reach this conclusion,” he pointed out.

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Why Russia has forces in Transnistria

Peskov reiterated Washington’s promises that it would not expand to the east after German reunification in the early 1990s, but regretted that they had not been fulfilled in the written agreement, and why Moscow is now putting this condition on the table.

On the other hand, he said that Russia has the right to place its forces and weapons anywhere on its border, including the border with Ukraine or Kaliningrad.

For example, Russia was asked why it kept its forces outside its borders In Transnistria Or in Georgia, he said, these are “peacekeepers” who, if withdrawn, run the risk of getting caught up in a new conflict.

Dmitry Peskov, Kremlin spokesman Photo: Profimedia Images

Peskov warns of unprecedented US sanctions in case of Russian invasion of Ukraine Said “This is a big mistake”, “could lead to the severance of any bilateral relationship” and sanctions never worked, but rather helped Russia improve its domestic economy and reduce its imports.

In the end, the Kremlin’s message was optimistic: Peskov hoped that the “political wisdom” of both President Putin and President Joe Biden would pay off.

Washington weighs in the opportunities

Europeans and Americans accuse the Russians of smuggling nearly 100,000 troops across the Ukrainian border to invade the neighboring country. Even US intelligence says Moscow has already deployed agents to carry out “sabotage” operations in eastern Ukraine.

The Kremlin has denied the allegations and said it wants to defend itself against NATO’s threatening position. In particular, Russia is demanding a written guarantee that the Confederation of Ukraine will not accept the offer, a policy that Western nations have refused in principle.

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The United States says it will decide on the future of the dispute with Russia earlier this week, following a stalemate at the end of last week’s negotiations that failed to defuse a new conflict in Ukraine. Jake Sullivan, national security adviser to US President Joe Biden, told CBS on Sunday that “we are in close talks” with Washington’s allies and “will talk more about the next stages of diplomacy early next week.” Agerpres.

From the basement, the war moves towards cyberspace

“But the most important thing is that we are ready for all scenarios. If Russia wants to pursue diplomacy, we are ready, but with our allies and partners. If Russia chooses the path of invasion and expansion, we too are ready for a decisive retaliation,” he warned.

White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan at the Daily Press briefing, Washington, District of Columbia, USA - 13 January 2022
Jake Sullivan, White House National Security Adviser Photo: Profimedia Images

In this context, Kiev announced on Sunday that it had “evidence” that Moscow was involved in a large-scale cyber attack targeting several Ukrainian government bases. The Kremlin has denied any involvement with Russia.

“I wouldn’t be surprised if it turns out to be Russia,” Jake Sullivan said. However, a White House adviser said, “We have not yet established the perpetrators of this attack.” He added that we are working hard to identify them.

“Russia is the target of cyber attacks on Ukraine and if it continues in the future, we will definitely work with our allies to retaliate,” he warned.

He recalled that the United States had been warning for months that the Russians could use such hacking to provoke tensions in Ukraine. “This is part of their strategy and they have done it in other contexts in the past,” Sullivan said.

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Author: Luana Pavaluca

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