WHO recommends that travelers to other countries do not need to ask for proof of vaccination: this measure is too much and contributes to the social and economic pressure that states experience – the corona virus

The World Health Organization (WHO) considers public travel bans and the obligation to vaccinate to “suppress the international spread” of the corona virus, according to News.ro, Le Figaro.

In the wake of the new epidemic wave of Govt-19 caused by the Omigran variant, which led to restrictions in Europe, including those vaccinated in Italy or Austria, the WHO emergency committee has made some recommendations, especially with regard to travel. . Scheduled for January 13th, the recommendations were released on January 19th.

In particular, the WHO recommends “lifting or easing travel restrictions because they do not add value and continue to contribute to the social and economic pressures that states experience.” Travel-related activities (masks, testing, isolation / isolation, vaccination) should be based on risk assessments and avoid financial burden on the shoulders of travelers.

Countries like Australia or New Zealand are currently closed to tourists. The United States and Finland are inaccessible to unvaccinated tourists.

The organization recommends that travelers to other countries not be required to provide evidence of the vaccine, especially given the limited global access and unfair distribution of the Covit-19 vaccine. States should take a risk-based approach to facilitate international travel by elevating or modifying measures such as testing and isolation.

The WHO team, led by Frenchman Didier House, has revised one of its recommendations for a global vaccination campaign. Experts call on the international community to ensure that by the beginning of July 2022, 70 percent of the population of all countries will be vaccinated and that the vaccine against Covit-19 will be integrated into regular health services.

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